Bratislava, Slovakia
Here is my, current, last European girls trip and it was to a beautiful town, Bratislava, that is just an hour and half away. The sad part is that I had only been there one other time and it was not what I would have done when visiting but it was for some friend’s birthday so we did what they wanted to do of course. So my other girlfriends always said we would visit it again and see the sites this time. Well that first trip was three years ago and I am just now getting back there!
Walking up to the castle
I could not be more thankful for my dear friend Ashlyn, who did a lot of the planning, for putting this together and my other dear friends, Meryl, Heather, Casci and all the way from the States Kelli! We got a shuttle booked to take us all up there and back, found a half decent room pretty close to Old Town, and had a few things planned.
A neat alley way
We left town and of course asked our driver to stop at McDonalds, no better way to start a short trip than fast food and the only kind we can get out here HAHA. We got into town got our bags and had a short walk to the hotel. Got checked in that almost turned into something similar the time we went to Dresden, if you haven’t read that blog please feel free too, but thankfully it was not as bad and it all worked out wonderfully! We split beds and Kelli and I set out to find some Prosecco, and we also did a little shopping that may or may not have made a tad late getting out the door…sorry ladies. ;) Ashlyn found this cute restaurant just a short walk from the hotel and the inside was like a set out of Game of Thrones and if you know me, us, then you know we are a group that enjoys watching the show!
At the Castle
Our next stop was probably my favorite and sadly not may pictures were taken because it was so dark! But if you like fancy cocktails and secret entrances then you will love this speakeasy bar above Urban Bistro! It was the cutest little bar that had the best selection of drinks! I loved seeing all the fun and cute drinks every ordered. My favorite, surprisingly, was called the smoke signal. It was mostly bourbon but it was covered then filled with smoke and was just so cool! A few other drinks were anything from fun fizzy types, cute and just darling as well as one that tasted just like PB&J and one that had a burning cinnamon stick. The bartenders were awesome to watch and the music was amazing! If you go to Bratislava you HAVE to stop by! So thankful we were able to get a reservation there! I could have sat there all night but with it getting late and wanting to stay out later we needed to change things up.
Over looking the town
So it was hard to find a good place after the speakeasy because there is a hockey championship going on so there were a lot of people out and about and filling up the good bars. We found a quite one at first but it got a little crazy later haha! We found a table in the corner and ordered some food and drinks and had a good time chatting! I think the second best part of the night was getting midnight kapabs! If you have never had one before, stop reading this and get one and then come back and finish! We have a fun little place in our town but I had never gotten one as a drunk food and for sure not at midnight because I am asleep by then! But it was so good and the best thing ever! We got those and headed back to the room and literally ate our food and got ready for bed! It was such a fun night!
Castle garden
The next day we got up and ready and headed to the town! Ate some amazing breakfast (at Urban Bistro, the place where the speakeasy is at), saw a drunk guy get taken away for taking over our table…JK he was just welcomed at the restaurant anymore and would not leave. Then walked up to the castle, found a guys wallet in the bushes, took some pictures and got some amazing ice cream! Another great place to stop at is Arthur’s, it is the cutest ice cream parlor and has some amazing ice cream! We did a little more shopping, got yelled at for eating McDonald’s at a restaurant that didn’t want us too even though one us ordered food there and we were outside, and when we got to the meeting place for our shuttle he was just pulling up and just after we loaded it started to rain. I do have to say that was some perfect timing!
The Castle
I’ve already said it once, I have some amazing friends, not all of them were able to make this trip, but I had such a wonderful carefree last weekend! I am truly going to miss this small town and small trips with the girls! I know our adventures are not over but for now this is it. Memories that will last a lifetime and then some! I am beyond blessed to have the ladies in my life!
Old Town
Meryl and her leopard print pants
My boo Kelli
Even I got a few pictures done in my new outfit! Thanks Casci for the pants and Ashlyn for taking the picture!